What Are The Most Risky International Shipping Destinations Around The World?

Who does not want to grow their business? One big possible way of scaling up a business is to take your business to foreign soil. New audience, more exposure and the warm embrace of revenue. But, at the same time, the international shipping has their own share of disadvantages. Though the new technologies are transforming the shipping mechanism completely, still there are countries which throw optimal challenges into the shipping process. Few have high taxes attached to them while others do not have a robust logistic mechanism. Before drawing your shipping map, it's better to have an idea of this destination. Let’s have a look at some of the riskiest places around the world- Argentina: The prime concern of Argentina is the high import tax. Plus, with a highly regulated and controlled border control, Argentina is one of the riskiest places to send anything of value. Add additional burden of immense corruption which makes it almost impossible to do bu...