Cash On Delivery : Advantages and Disadvantages and Why is it Working Best in India.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cash on delivery Cash On Delivery (COD) is currently one of the most popular mode of payments among Indian online websites. If we analyze, one of the major reason for its popularity is that the buyers do not have to pay anything before the goods are delivered to them. This option helps new buyers in giving some confidence to as e-commerce is still a growing concept in India which is fairly nascent at this stage. Major reasons why COD is most popular in India 1. Lack of Payment Options Payment Options The majority of India’s population either does not have a Debit or Credit card and the ones that do, do not use it so much for online transactions. Debit Cards are basically used to withdraw cash from ATMs but not for online transactions. Therefore COD is the best means where an e-commerce seller can reach out to buyers even if they don’t have means to make an online payment. 2. Product Condition and Satisfaction ...