
Showing posts from June, 2021

How Technology helps in increasing Shipping Accuracy?

Ecommerce businesses are flourishing like never before, this time with a boom in technology and due to this sudden blow of covid-19, more people have moved from traditional retail shopping to ordering and receiving their order at home. With increase in business opportunities comes greater challenges too like increase in customer expectations, rapid competition in the market etc. Adapting is highly necessary in these times to cope up with rapid changing trends in this industry. Automation can help eCommerce businesses to assess and upgrade their business model to reduce both Cost and time. Best Practices to Reduce your Shipping Cost: Ship with best rates Rates differ significantly among different carriers depending upon weight of shipment, delivery distance, dimensions, etc. Carrier specific charges also differ according to demand and supply, calculating and keeping track of such rates is very difficult and time consuming for eCommerce sellers . ECommerce sellers should get a hold ...

Master The Art of Packaging with these 4 Simple Tips

What is Packaging? Packaging is the first introduction of the product to your customers. Product packaging not only ensures safety of your product but it’s a huge opportunity to increase your business sales as well and hold a lasting brand positioning for your customers. Packaging influences the purchase decision of the customers and if you are not focusing enough on that you may miss ample business opportunities and sales. Product packaging plays a crucial role in Sales growth as well as crafting marketing strategies. Thanks to new opportunities packaging has shifted from mere cover to Being the first step to trigger impulse buying. How Packaging affects the Customers Purchase Decision? Packaging to lot extent influences people to buy product - package colour, material, design all affects the customer to pick your product from shelves to buy and take it home. Many eCommerce sellers consider Branded Packaging , which creates a memorable unboxing experience to the buyers. Some ...