Important and Commonly Used Logistics terms you should know.

Knowing key logistics terms is extremely important when you start shipping activities for your ecommerce business. Supply Chain or Logistics is a system where manufactured products are dispatched and delivered to the consumers, the last person in the supply chain, with various modes of transportation. This involves multiple activities from order procuring, processing, storage and fulfillment. To build an efficient business, its eminent that you familiarize yourself with the following terms : AWB - Air way Bill Document used for the proper identity of the goods or parcel which is exported or transported through airway mode. It consist of a 11 digit code which helps the consignor and the consignee or the agent can easily track out and check the status of the goods parceled. MAWB MAWB is Master airway bill issued by main carrier of goods on receipt of goods from a freight forwarder to deliver at destination as per agreed terms. HAWB...