5 Proven Product Pricing Strategies for E-commerce Business

There was a time when E-commerce was utilized only by the younger generation of India. But with the easy availability of the internet, online shopping is becoming more prevalent among people of all age groups, thus raising the count of sellers online. Having an exquisite website isn’t enough to entice the customers. Customers don't hit the purchase button before considering certain features, especially the price of the product. Customers generally ransack the internet for the best deals available for the products which they want to buy. Though you impart standard products to your customers, there are other competitors who also sell the same quality products at a cheaper rate. This can result in customers switching to your competitors if they feel your product price is higher. This can put your brand one step behind the other competitors. Certain price comparison platforms make the search process easy, by listing out all the best deals with just a click. This makes it ...